
This Teacher Threw A Barbecue For Her Students, But She Excluded One Child For Bad Behavior, And Now She’s In Trouble With This Kid’s Parents

Iliya Mitskavets - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

When you’re a kid going to school, being excluded is one of the worst things that can happen to you. 

One teacher is in trouble with a student’s parents at her school after she didn’t let him come to a barbecue that served as a reward for kids with good behavior.

She’s a 30-year-old first-grade teacher with 24 students in her class. In order to track her student’s progress and make a note of when they’re having issues with their behavior in class, she has a “good noodle chart.”

When students do well during the school day and show good behavior, they get a sticker on the good noodle chart. So to get her students to behave better in class, she decided to give them an incentive. 

“I told my students that we could have a barbecue at a park with hotdogs and hamburgers and snacks for whoever filled their good noodle sticker charts,” she said.

“This has been approved by the principal, and I teach at a private school.”

In order to go to the fun barbecue on a school day, the students had to exhibit “perfect” behavior throughout April.

All of her students were eligible for the rewarding barbecue except one, a boy named Bobby. Bobby has behavioral issues and requires special help during the day.

She’s been in contact with Bobby’s mom before, and she was the one who suggested making the good noodle chart. She’s always been more lenient with Bobby because of his behavioral issues.

Iliya Mitskavets – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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