
He Might Dump A Woman He’s Dating Because She Never Offers To Pay For Their Dates

The woman told him that she found it attractive when men paid for dates and thought men should cover the tab to “show interest” in the women they’re dating.

Then, he essentially responded with the opposite– explaining how he finds it attractive when a woman offers to split the tab since it shows she is really interested in him and not just his money.

“To me, a relationship should have both people on equal footing and both contributing equally,” he said. “And if I get a girlfriend, I want to feel like I earned her, not bought her.”

That’s why he is now feeling pretty conflicted about his budding relationship with this woman. On the one hand, he really does not want to stop seeing her over this situation since they’ve gotten along great in every other way, and he is actually starting to really like her.

But, on the other hand, he just does not want to be in a relationship where he is always expected to cover the tab.

“Especially since she has a good job and probably makes just as much money as I do,” he vented.

So, he’s now trying to figure out if his stance on paying is unreasonable and whether or not he should break things off with the woman.

Do you think both he and the woman have valid stances on paying for dates? Does it sound like they are just not compatible? Do you think he should continue dating her or not?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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