
Her Husband Nearly Ruined Their Marriage After Having A Wild Bachelor Party A Month After Their Wedding, So Now That He’s Going Away For Another Bachelor Trip, She Is Seriously Uneasy

Meanwhile, she will be at home again– this time 30 weeks pregnant with their daughter– as her husband is partying it up and doing who knows what in the Hamptons.

And given what happened at her husband’s own bachelor party, she doesn’t feel super secure this time around.

They have both known about the upcoming bachelor party for a long time, too. So, after what happened last time, she thought her husband would decline and not want to put her in the same situation again.

However, she and her husband have just avoided discussing the bachelor party altogether because they obviously both know that the conversation will not end well.

But, with the bachelor party now just two weeks away, it is getting tough to avoid, and she is feeling very uneasy.

“I feel like I’m in a lose/lose situation because I either let him go and suffer through the weekend feeling stressed and anxious and very uncomfortable with the whole thing, or I tell him he can’t go and he’ll resent me and all of his friends will know I’m the reason he had to back out last minute,” she explained.

During their fight about her husband’s bachelor trip, he apparently even told her that he would not go to his friend’s celebration. However, conversations about the bachelor trip have since come up twice with her husband’s friends.

And both times, he claimed that he planned to attend.

So, while the ideal outcome would have been for her husband to back out of the trip by himself a long time ago, that ship has sailed.

To make matters even worse, her husband will also be flying across the country to attend his same friend’s wedding when she is just five weeks postpartum. Apparently, they were both invited, but she is not able to be away from her newborn so soon.

She was initially fine with her husband attending the wedding, too, since he is a groomsman, and she didn’t want him to miss out. But, coupled with the bachelor party trip, the whole situation just feels very unfair to her now.

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