
She Upset Her Brother-In-Law After Inviting Her Niece Over For A Sleepover, But Excluding Her Niece’s Stepsister

kleberpicui - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

If you come from a big family where some relatives have started having kids, you may know the feeling of being pressured to babysit for them. 

One woman recently had her 12-year-old niece sleep over at her house and upset her brother-in-law after telling him his four-year-old stepdaughter couldn’t come along. 

She’s 29 years old and has a 12-year-old niece named Amy. Amy’s parents are her sister and her brother-in-law, Rick.

Sadly, her sister passed away three years ago, and Amy stays with her dad. Rick eventually remarried and now has a four-year-old stepdaughter named Kate.

“After my sister’s passing, I regularly call and text Amy, letting her know I’m there for her,” she said.

“We are very close, and she tells me a lot of things going on in her life and asks me for all kinds of advice, which I am only happy to help.”

About a year ago, her job relocated her to a city less than an hour away from Rick and Amy, so she’s been able to see Amy a lot more.

She frequently takes her out for fun activities like shopping, going to the salon, cooking classes, etc. Rick and his wife hardly tell her she can’t take Amy out, so she hangs out with her at least once a week.

However, Rick and his wife have been trying to get her to bring Kate along on their outings. She’s repeatedly told him no because Kate’s too young for their activities, and she’s never babysat a four-year-old before.

kleberpicui – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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