
She’s Refusing To Co-Sign Her Stepdaughter’s College Loans, Because Her Stepdaughter Could Easily Qualify For Tuition Benefits, But Just Won’t Apply

Minerva Studio - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This woman and her 44-year-old husband first met in 2013 before tying the knot in 2015. And ever since then, she has been in her 17-year-old stepdaughter’s life.

So, her husband and his ex-wife have been separated since 2011. But now that it’s time for her stepdaughter to apply for college, she claims that her husband’s ex is getting in the way.

For context, her husband’s ex went to college but did not use her degree. Yet, her husband’s ex still had over $120,000 in college loans and had to struggle to get through school.

That’s why her stepdaughter now believes that student loans and financial struggle are necessary, too.

However, her husband is actually a totally and permanently disabled combat war veteran. And since she works as a School Certifying Official at a community college– certifying Military Education and Veterans benefits to Veterans Affairs– she knows that there are benefits out there for her stepdaughter, being that her husband’s service was connected to disability.

“My stepdaughter is eligible for CH35, or Dependents Education Assistance Benefit, which is a monthly stipend paid to my stepdaughter, plus a state benefit that is a tuition waiver up to eight semesters or four years,” she explained.

“It covers all tuition and fees, just not books or campus housing or food plans.”

But all of these benefits would take anywhere from 45 to 90 days to kick in. So, she started urging her stepdaughter to apply for the benefits following her 18th birthday later on in the month.

That way, her stepdaughter’s applications would be processed before starting college in August.

Minerva Studio – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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