
A Guy Left Her In The Middle Of Their Date Under The Ruse That He Needed To Use The Restroom

Volodymyr Shcerbak - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

It can be tough to gauge an accurate sense of someone’s character when you’re communicating with them from behind a phone screen.

You don’t want to assume anything about them or make hasty judgments from just glancing at their photos and online profile.

So the only way to really tell if it’ll be a suitable match is to meet them face to face. But sometimes, that can result in some nightmarish dates.

TikToker Paris (@parislikefrance) is sharing a video describing how a guy left in the middle of their date under the ruse that he needed to use the restroom.

So she had matched with a guy on a dating app, and they set up a date at a bar. The guy introduced himself to her, then said he had to go to the bathroom.

Paris waited for him for ten minutes, but he never came back. She texted him, asking if he was still in the bathroom.

However, he did not respond. It was a classic case of ghosting.

Luckily, a couple of her friends happened to be at the bar. They were able to offer her some moral support, and they laughed it off together.

In a comment, Paris revealed that she is now married and has put the situation far behind her.

Volodymyr Shcerbak – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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