He Dumped His Girlfriend After She Stayed At Her Ex’s Lake House Overnight

This 33-year-old man had been dating a 30-year-old woman for a few months. She has two sons from two different fathers, and she has full custody of them both. She also seems to have a drama-free relationship with the oldest boy’s father.
He saw this as a green flag until he started to notice that she was almost too close to this ex of hers. So, things had been going pretty smoothly up until Father’s Day.
The closer Father’s Day got, the more excited he was about spending an uninterrupted weekend with his girlfriend since her kids would be spending time with their fathers.
However, on the day they had plans, he received a call from her explaining that she would be back a little later because she was taking her oldest son to a lake house about 30 minutes away, where the son’s father and grandparents were staying.
Later on in the day, he received another text that said she had decided to spend the whole day with them and was canceling the plans she had with him. While he was a bit annoyed by this change of plans, he didn’t let it get to him and wasn’t angry with her.
He didn’t have much of a problem with it until she spilled that she was going to be staying the night at the lake house as well.
“That’s when I had an issue and asked why on earth she was spending the night there,” he explained.
She replied defensively that she simply wanted to spend time with her family. His girlfriend using this term really threw him for a loop.
“What family? The only ones that were supposed to be there were the ex-husband and his parents. She has full custody of her son, but she was speaking to me like she never has time with him,” he said.

Kimberly Boyles – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
While the worry of his girlfriend getting too friendly with her ex definitely crossed his mind that night, he was also certain that even if nothing wild happened, it was clear that she still had some feelings for her ex if she considered him and her ex-in-laws to be family.
That’s why, after thinking about the situation overnight, he decided to break it off with her.
“At first, I was getting angry texts from her, then after a few days of silence, I start getting pleading texts for another chance and that nothing happened,” he added.
While some of his friends think he did the right thing and that there were too many red flags coming from her, other friends say that maybe he made a rash decision and should give her another chance.
Do you think that it’s strange that his girlfriend chose to hang out with her ex and ex-in-laws overnight instead of with him? Do you think he was too quick to end things with her?
You can read the original post on Reddit here.
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