
He Just Found Out His Fiancée Has Been Cheating On Him, And He Isn’t Sure If He Should Give Her A Second Chance

Yevhenii - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 30-year-old man has been with his fiancée, who is also 30, for 10 years now. And in just a few months, they were going to tie the knot and even planned to try for a baby afterward.

So, he claimed that they were both truly happy in their relationship, got along great, and their family loved each other.

That’s why the fact that his fiancée cheated on him has been so confusing.

“I want to get this point across because, usually, when someone cheats, there is something we can pinpoint as the explanation of why it happened,” he said.

“But this was literally the happiest we had ever been.”

The news of his fiancée’s infidelity came out after they took a trip to another country just last week. While abroad, he wound up seeing a message in which his fiancée sent unclothed photos to a different guy.

And he was not even able to read the rest of the texts after seeing the photos. So, he just closed out the app as his world was turned upside down.

Then, once he was able to get his bearings, he decided to confront his fiancée. At that point, she tried to explain how the guy was just a man from her past who had previously rejected her.

But, more recently, the guy added his fiancée online again and even started showing interest.

Yevhenii – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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