Her Boyfriend Had A Panic Attack The First Time They Went Scuba Diving, And When She Asked Him To Try It Again, He Got Upset

LuckyStep - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only
LuckyStep - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only

Have you ever been scuba diving on vacation? Some people who have done it say it’s one of the best experiences they’ve ever had. However, diving into the ocean doesn’t sound all that fun for some people. 

One young woman recently upset her boyfriend after she tried to persuade him to give scuba diving another go, even though he had a panic attack the first time they did it.

She’s 22-years-old and recently went on vacation to Tanzania with her boyfriend, Josh. They decided to sign up for a scuba diving course to learn the proper skills to go scuba diving and have some fun.

The course lasted a few days until it was time for their instructors to bring them out into the ocean and scuba dive for real.

She had a blast scuba diving, but Josh was a different story. Although he’s a strong swimmer, he started having anxiety and panicked the second he went underwater. He quickly surfaced and told her he felt a panic attack going on. 

Josh wanted to quit scuba diving early and sit on the beach with her.

“I gently persuaded him to give it another go because I know he would regret it later if he didn’t at least try and waste all the money he spent,” she said.

“He did give it another go but struggled and sat on the beach, so the rest of us went back out and had a great time.”

Once she finished, she told Josh about all the fun she had and the fish she saw. He seemed genuinely happy for her but didn’t mention wanting to try it again.

LuckyStep – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only

So, she asked once more if he wanted to go back out into the water and give scuba diving one more shot.

That’s when Josh became annoyed and told her that constantly asking him if he wanted to try again was a lot of pressure and made him feel like he couldn’t say no.

She argued that he hadn’t even made it into deep enough water to apply everything they learned in their scuba diving course, but he was scared he’d have a panic attack if he went any deeper.

Josh then told her it wasn’t his place to comment on whether or not he tried properly at scuba diving that day. She feels she didn’t do anything that bad and was only trying to be supportive.

“I asked out of a good place because he looked so excited with the fish,” she explained.

“I also don’t think me asking him to try again was a big deal because he’s done this with other similar adventure activities we’ve tried and always laments he regrets not fully committing to the activity.”

Was she not sensitive enough to Josh’s anxiety, or was she trying to be supportive?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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