
Her Boyfriend Smashed Her Dior Foundation Bottle To Prove That She’s Beautiful Without Makeup, But The Whole Incident Has Left Her Feeling Uneasy

puhhha - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 20-year-old woman has a 27-year-old boyfriend who always makes comments about how she doesn’t need makeup and does not need to cover up her freckles or just her face at all.

“And I’ve always taken it as a compliment,” she said.

Still, she continues to wear makeup every single day. So, just yesterday, she started prepping her face as usual before putting on some makeup.

At that point, her boyfriend went up behind her out of nowhere and just threw her foundation bottle on the floor.

Spoiler alert: the bottle smashed down and exploded everywhere– including on her. And she wound up screaming, mainly because she was both shocked and seriously confused.

After that, she detailed how her boyfriend did seem a little regretful. Then, he claimed to have smashed the bottle because he wanted to show that she need not need makeup whatsoever.

“I didn’t know what to say,” she recalled.

“I was literally stunned and even a bit scared. I left the room without saying anything.”

Since then, she still has no idea how to feel, either. It’s obvious that smashing the bottle was a bad idea on her boyfriend’s part. Not to mention that it was Dior foundation– so it cost a pretty penny.

puhhha – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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