
Her Boyfriend Smashed Her Dior Foundation Bottle To Prove That She’s Beautiful Without Makeup, But The Whole Incident Has Left Her Feeling Uneasy

Regardless, she cannot figure out whether her boyfriend’s reaction came from a good place or not.

“Was it a misguided attempt to show me he loved me? Or was he just backtracking after making a mistake?” she vented.

She pointed out how it wasn’t like her boyfriend threw the foundation at her head or anything. Nonetheless, the outburst did feel a bit “off.”

So now, she’s been trying to figure out how she feels about the whole situation and is wondering what to do from here.

Do you think her boyfriend was really just trying to prove his point that she didn’t need to wear makeup? Or do you think his behavior was more so controlling as opposed to some sort of romantic gesture? How would you feel if your partner did the same thing?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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