
Her Boyfriend Threw Her Under The Bus And Told His Newlywed Friends That She Was Scared About Her Expensive Tray Getting Stolen At Their Wedding

Olga Pulchina - - illustrative purposes only

This 30-year-old woman and her boyfriend, who is also 30, were recently invited to one of his friend’s weddings.

But while her boyfriend had known the bride and groom for decades, she had only ever met them a handful of times.

There also happened to be a local tradition where each wedding guest was supposed to bring a dozen cookies with them to the event. Then, at the wedding, all of the guests’ cookies would be displayed together to create a giant cookie table.

Anyway, she and her boyfriend wanted to participate in the tradition.

“So we baked cookies the night before,” she recalled.

She also happened to have a very pretty and expensive tea tray at home. That’s why her boyfriend suggested that they bring the tea tray to display the cookies at the wedding.

However, she wound up shooting down his suggestion since the wedding was going to be attended by about 300 guests, and she really did not want anything to happen to her beloved tea tray.

“I don’t want some auntie ‘accidentally’ taking it home with her,” she reasoned.

After telling her boyfriend that, he seemed to accept her opinion, too. Then, they just found a simple bowl that was appropriate to bring to the wedding and used it to display all of their cookies.

Olga Pulchina – – illustrative purposes only

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