His Girlfriend Lied About Meeting Up With Her Ex On A Girls’ Trip With All Of Her Single Friends, And He Feels Really Disrespected

Galina Zhigalova - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
Galina Zhigalova - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 28-year-old guy and his girlfriend, who is 24, have been together for about eight months. She is also currently a single mother, but he claims that things have been going well regardless.

“Normal baby daddy drama, and she goes to the clubs with her friends. But I trust her,” he said.

That’s why, when his girlfriend announced that she would be going away for a weekend girls’ trip with some of her single friends, he actually encouraged his girlfriend to go, enjoy herself, and have some fun.

And throughout the whole getaway, he and his girlfriend spoke every day. She filled him in on what she was doing and the girls’ trip plans.

His girlfriend even called him while she was drunk just to let him know that she had eaten some popcorn. In other words, it seemed like she was being very upfront and sharing all of the details of the trip with him.

But then, two weeks later, he noticed that his girlfriend started to tell him some white lies.

“And my experience is if someone is telling white lies about things that don’t matter, then there is usually a larger lie they are hiding,” he explained.

So, he wound up confronting his girlfriend and asked if she was hiding something bigger.

At that point, she swore that there was nothing bigger in her mind. But, she claimed that, in his mind, there probably was.

Galina Zhigalova – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

That just confused him, too, so he pushed his girlfriend to open up. And she ultimately came clean about how, while she was away on the girls’ trip, she met up with an ex-fling.

Apparently, the guy picked her up, and they drove around to talk and “catch up.” According to his girlfriend, all of her exes still talk to her.

That’s why she did not think the situation was weird at all.

Then, once she and the ex-fling were done hanging out, she claimed to have just given the guy a hug goodbye.

Ever since catching his girlfriend omitting information about her girls’ trip, though, he has been left feeling seriously disrespected.

“She had clearly planned on meeting with him and made an effort not to tell me about it,” he pointed out.

After all, his girlfriend and her ex met up in private– not at a random coffee shop or even at the cabin where she and her friends were staying.

He also found out that all of the friends that his girlfriend had gone away with knew she planned to meet up with the guy, too.

Regardless, his girlfriend actually thinks that she and her ex are just friends. Moreover, the other guy had no interest in pursuing her and genuinely just wanted to catch up on where they were at in life.

“But how can she expect me to believe nothing happened if she’s already hiding the meeting up in the first place?” he vented.

So, he has now been left wondering whether feeling like his girlfriend broke his trust and disrespected their relationship is justified, given that she was not up-front about planning to meet up with an ex in private while away on a trip.

How would you feel if you found out your partner met up with their ex on vacation? Did his girlfriend make it worse by lying about it happening in the first place? Do you think he has a right to feel upset? How would you react in this situation?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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Katharina Buczek graduated from Stony Brook University with a degree in Journalism and a minor in Digital Arts. Specializing ... More about Katharina Buczek

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