
His Mom Took His Inheritance Without His Permission And Spent It On Paying Bills

SlavaSelfStudio - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

When this 27-year-old guy was only 11 or 12, his grandfather passed away and left an inheritance of $1,000 to each of his grandchildren, which they would receive upon turning 18.

Over the years, he forgot about the inheritance until a few months after turning 18 when he remembered and asked his mom about how he could get the money. Without his knowledge, she had taken out the money herself and used it toward paying bills.

He considers his family to be working class, as his mother was a single mom. After his grandfather passed, she inherited his home and therefore did not need to pay rent.

Also, they received decent child support and insurance from his father. So, in the end, the main costs were things like food and utilities and things that supported her heavy smoking addiction.

“We couldn’t afford nice things, but we never had problems getting food on the table,” he explained.

His mother is now 62-years-old and getting to retirement age, so her siblings suggest that he help her financially with bills and home repairs.

Currently, she has a pension but little to no savings, and he pays part of the phone bill since he is still on her plan. These suggestions from his mother’s sibling began when he started making $80K a year at his new job.

However, he feels a bit conflicted about whether or not he should contribute to his mother’s finances.

“I don’t really want to help more than the bare minimum because my mother literally stole that money from me. I don’t know how she got it out of the bank, but she did. If she was going to get evicted or had medical bills or something, I would help, but they are pressuring me to help with everything,” he said.

SlavaSelfStudio – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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