She Involved Her Ex-Boyfriend In A Scary Situation With A Guy She Dated, And She’s Afraid He’s Going To Get Hurt Or In Trouble While Protecting Her

ID 249698429 - © Lepasik - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
ID 249698429 - © Lepasik - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 23-year-old woman recently was dating a 32-year-old man, but after a few dates, she realized that they were not a right fit for each other.

However, the man would not leave her alone, and she reached out to her 24-year-old ex-boyfriend for help. She feels guilty and is worried that this choice only made matters worse!

She met this man through mutual friends and was excited about him in the beginning. She said he was very nice, and they had a good couple of dates before her realizing that they were just at different places in their lives.

He wanted kids a lot sooner than she did, and she decided to end things with him. However, he doesn’t seem to be respecting her choice.

“I made it very clear I didn’t want a relationship, and he would not leave me alone! He is driving me absolutely insane with anxiety,” she explained.

She works at a small diner and is often working alone. He often comes to her work during those times and sits at the bar.

While she thought this was fine earlier on while they were still seeing each other, now that it is still happening even after she tried to end things, it is making her feel super uncomfortable while she’s working.

Not only did this guy show up to her work unannounced, but he also showed up at her school and her apartment.

She told him to stop this, but he continued anyway and even “accidentally” injured her once in her school’s parking lot.

ID 249698429 – © Lepasik – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

One time after showing up to her work, he offered to drive her home. After she explained to him that she would prefer to walk, he would not take no for an answer.

He became forceful and angry and essentially shoved her into his car. He locked her in the car, trapping her, and claimed that he just wanted to talk.

“I talked to him until he let me out because I was scared. After he finally agreed to take me home, he wouldn’t drive away, after I got inside, he just sat there for some reason,” she said.

In the craziness of it all, she wasn’t sure what she should do next. In retrospect, she wishes that she had just called 911, but at the moment, she decided to call her ex-boyfriend.

He quickly showed up at her apartment, and a large fight took place between him and the 32-year-old.

Her ex suggested that she stay at his apartment for a while to be safe, and while she agreed to do so, she is worried that this has already made things worse.

She has been getting texts from the 32-year-old, basically threatening her, explaining that when she gets her alone again, he is going to make her regret everything.

She feels extremely guilty about involving her ex-boyfriend in this scary situation and feels like a good person like him does not deserve to be involved in all of this.

She is worried that he is either going to get hurt or get in trouble while protecting her and that it will be her fault if he does.

“He says he’s happy I called him, but if I could go back in time, I would’ve never called him. I can’t wrap my head around why I called him instead of the police, it was so selfish of me, but I can’t take it back, unfortunately,” she concluded.

Luckily, the police are involved now, and she is doing what she can to receive professional help and hopefully be able to obtain a restraining order against the 32-year-old.

Do you think she should feel guilty about calling her ex-boyfriend for help, or do you think she was smart to go to someone she trusted for support?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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