
She Screamed At Her Mother-In-Law And Kicked Her Out of Her House Over Coffee

New Africa - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 27-year-old woman is currently five months pregnant with twins, and due to a pre-existing medical condition that she has, her pregnancy has been more difficult than most.

She is on an early pregnancy leave so that she is able to stay home and get some rest. However, there are a lot of things around the house that have not been getting done.

Her husband tries his best to help out around the house, but he works a lot and is sometimes just too busy. Her doctor recommended that she get a household helper, which would be covered by her insurance where they live.

She told her mother and her 59-year-old mother-in-law about this idea, and while her own mother thought it was smart, her mother-in-law offered herself to help out instead.

Her mother-in-law has now been living with them for about a month, and she’s struggling with the stressful environment it has created.

Since her mother-in-law has been there, she hasn’t been able to eat much of the food that her mother-in-law has cooked, either due to allergies or her pregnancy.

Additionally, her mother-in-law threw out the sheets that she had had on her and her husband’s bed to protect against bed mites. Her mother-in-law’s reasoning was that they were ugly, but they were underneath the decorative sheets anyway.

“And the worst? She drinks a lot of coffee and puts cinnamon and other spices in it, and while my morning sickness is gone, I still think cinnamon and vanilla are disgusting. The smell makes me nauseous,” she explained.

Both she and her husband asked her to stop with the abundance of cinnamon, but every time it was brought up, her mother-in-law retaliated and said that she just needed to get over it.

New Africa – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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