
She Went On A Date With A Guy Who Considered Walking Around A Grocery Store As A Proper Date

She was dumbfounded. He added that they could also walk around inside the store if she wanted. She desperately hoped that he was joking, but he made the suggestion with a serious expression on his face.

He seemed to have no clue how ridiculous his date idea was–if you could even call this a date. There happened to be a bar located next door to the store, so she suggested they head over there instead.

When they reached the bar, he bought her a drink. And as they were playing pool, he started complaining about the bar’s environment and how he had nothing in common with the people who were there. After finishing her drink, she decided to call it a night.

Later, when she went back to the bar she met him at, she told his coworkers all about the bad date. They snickered, informing her that he had just gotten fired. Thankfully, she never had to see him again.


? original sound – Rush

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