She’s Been Dating Her Boyfriend For 10 Months And Freaked Out When She Saw That He Updated His Dating Profile With Photos She’s Taken Of Him

luengo_ua - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
luengo_ua - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Have you ever gone on a date with someone from a dating app and then saw that they updated their dating profile while still talking to you? It definitely hurts. 

One woman has been dating her boyfriend for 10 months and recently freaked out when she saw that he updated his dating app profile with photos she’s taken of him.

She’s 23 and met her 25-year-old boyfriend on a dating app. After matching on the app last year, at one point, they mutually decided to delete the app and focus on committing to each other.

Unfortunately, she’s been having a rough time the last few months.

“I’ve been going through a mental rough patch,” she explained.

“Depression and anxiety have been eating me away for the past month. On top of that, I lost my job about a week ago. It was the second time I got laid off in six months. I’m not doing well, both physically and mentally.”

Something that brings her a bit of joy is looking back at old text message conversations on her phone. 

The other night, she had a bunch of dating app advertisements pop up on her phone, and she thought it might be fun to re-download the dating app she met her boyfriend on and look back at the first conversation she had with her boyfriend.

Unfortunately, she ended up seeing something that really hurt her. She noticed that her boyfriend’s dating profile was different from when they matched. It had a new introduction and new pictures of him. One of the pictures was taken by her while they were on vacation together a few months ago.

luengo_ua – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

When she saw these changes, her heart sank, as it looked like he was actively searching for new girls on the app.

It was 1:00 am, but she decided to call her boyfriend anyway, desperate for an explanation. He woke up and answered her, telling her that he had re-downloaded the app three to four weeks ago.

The dating app also has a feature where users can create a separate profile for finding friends instead of romance.

Her boyfriend explained that he downloaded the dating app a few weeks ago to access the friend part and find more friends to go on hiking and camping adventures with him.

“He told me he was only on there for half a day [because] it was trash and forgot about it since,” she recalled.

“That’s why he never felt the need to tell me.”

Her boyfriend asked her if she thought he was cheating, and she said no. She said it looked like he was scoping out the dating scene before making a final decision about whether or not to leave her. 

Then, her boyfriend told her that was her “depression talking” and that she was subconsciously looking for evidence to prove a false narrative of him cheating on her. 

She’s admitted to being guilty of that in the past, but this time, she feels like she’s being gaslit.

“I’m not mad,” she added.

“But I am feeling awfully insecure. I don’t want to break up with him yet.”

Should she trust her boyfriend, or does it sound like he’s lying?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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