She’s No Longer Attracted To Her Boyfriend Because He Constantly Leaves Their Toilet A Mess And Has Terrible Hygiene

neonshot  - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
neonshot - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 30-year-old woman has a boyfriend a year older than her, and they have been dating for the last 3 years.

Unfortunately, she has lost all the attraction she had for her boyfriend because he constantly leaves their toilet a mess, and he has terrible hygiene.

She’s at the end of her rope dealing with this, and she has attempted to speak to him multiple times.

They even came up with a solution together; they have disinfecting wipes sitting right next to the toilet so he can clean up after himself.

They even tried to buy a bidet, but nothing has truly helped her boyfriend to keep their bathroom and himself more clean.

“I have had this conversation at least 6 times – usually he is defensive at first, then embarrassed, then he cleans it more for a while, then it just degrades again,” she explained.

“Honestly, it feels like I am with someone who genuinely doesn’t care about himself anymore and is fine being – for lack of a better word – gross. When I met him, he showered twice a day. Now, it’s maybe every 2 or 3 days – and he’s a big, active guy, so it really needs to be at least once a day.”

“Especially because he apparently is not cleaning [himself] very well. It is at the point where I can smell a lingering odor on all the soft surfaces he uses in our house. Our house even has a smell to it on hot days. I am heartbreakingly disgusted by my home, my life, and, ultimately, him.”

So, she’s just not attracted to her boyfriend anymore. That attraction she had for him has disappeared, and she knows she can’t get it back.

neonshot – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

She thinks this whole thing is just absolutely absurd, and she doesn’t get why her boyfriend can’t just stay on top of cleaning their bathroom and himself.

They do live together, they have a dog, they have an entire life they have constructed, but she’s just disgusted with her boyfriend.

“I know I probably sound like a monster here, but I am half angry, half crying as I write this,” she continued.

“Is this really enough to kill my love for him? But also, why isn’t he prioritizing this? I have told him multiple times that it is awful for me, he understood and cleans and gets better for a while – but it keeps happening.”

“How do you not care? How can you just live like that? How can you treat your partner with so little regard as to keep leaving your [stuff] smeared on something they also use? Has anyone dealt with this? Has anyone ever come back from feeling disgusted by their partner? Everything I have experienced/heard has said that disgust is the harbinger of relationship death.”

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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