
She’s Not Wearing Her Engagement Ring Until Her Fiancé Stops Being So Secretive About Her And Their Baby

Piman Khrutmuang - - illustrative purposes only

This 26-year-old woman and her 27-year-old fiancé recently got engaged, and she gave birth to their baby girl just a week later.

Her fiancé also has two other children from two different previous partners.

But while she thinks that the two of them have a good relationship, she is worried about his lack of posting about her or their new child on social media.

Recently, she noticed that her fiancé posted a photo of one of his children from a previous relationship online.

And while this alone didn’t concern her, it made her realize how he has not acknowledged their engagement or their newborn online as she had.

“I was not expecting him to post in regards to our engagement because he’s a rather private person, but it definitely hurt my feelings to see that he continuously acknowledges and posts pictures of his other children…but has not done the same for our child,” she explained.

When she confronted her fiancé about this, he just claimed that he was a private person and didn’t want to post everything about his life online.

This, again, is understandable in itself, but the fact that he still posted about his other children and used to post about other relationships still made her feel uneasy.

Only his closest friends and family members even know she exists because he has not posted about her publicly whatsoever. What is more upsetting to her, however, is his not announcing the birth of their child.

Piman Khrutmuang – – illustrative purposes only

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