
She’s Sharing Her Recipe For Cauliflower Potato Salad That Doesn’t Actually Have Potatoes At All

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Do you know what cookouts, barbecues, potlucks, parties, and picnics all have in common? The presence of potato salad, that’s what!

TikToker Brooke (@brookerohde) has a recipe for potato salad, but there are no actual potatoes used to make it. Instead, its main ingredient happens to be cauliflower.

Aside from that, the recipe has everything else you would want in a potato salad, including hard-boiled eggs, mayonnaise, and dill pickles.

I know what you must be thinking. But don’t turn up your nose at this quite yet. If you give it a chance, you’ll find that you won’t even miss the potatoes.

And it’s just as well–this version of potato salad is low-carb, healthier, and tastes exactly like your classic potato salad.

It’ll get gobbled up wherever you go. So here’s how to make it.

First, you’ll need to cook your cauliflower. Cut up a head of cauliflower into bite-sized pieces and mix them with olive oil, salt, pepper, and garlic powder.

Then, roast them in the oven at 375 degrees Fahrenheit for thirty minutes, and let them cool.

Next, make five hard-boiled eggs. Chop up a quarter cup of pickles, half a red onion, and two celery stalks and combine in a bowl with the roasted cauliflower.

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