
She’s Supposed To Go On A Date With A Guy Tomorrow Night, But He Just Sent Her A Photo That Has Her Wanting To Cancel On Him

progressman - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This girl has been chatting with a guy for a little less than a week now, and he just officially asked her out on a date.

She said yes to the date, and they made plans for tomorrow night. Earlier this week, she was talking to him, and their conversation was heading in a very casual direction when he sent her a photo out of the blue.

She looked at the photo, and it definitely was shocking to her to see. It was a picture of him with zero clothes on.

The photo had nothing to do with what they were talking about at that moment, and their conversations so far have not been rated R at all. Also, they have not met up in real life yet, either.

There really was no reason for this guy to send her such an unsolicited photo. The photo was a selfie that he had taken without clothes on in his bathroom.

Steam from the shower was covering up, let’s just say, a certain part of his body, but it wasn’t covering things all that well and left basically nothing to her imagination.

“We never talked about any subject that would lead to this…” she explained.

“Why would he do that? I didn’t even text him back yet, and I’m honestly losing interest and thinking about not going to the date. I find it very disrespectful.”

She’s honestly thinking of canceling on him completely after he sent her this jarring photo. She’s also considering just ghosting him and not giving him a reason as to why.

progressman – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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