
When She Came Home From College, Her Parents Cruelly Pulled A Prank On Her And Said Her Cat Passed Away

pololia - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual cat

This 19-year-old girl is a college student and typically visits her parents every weekend, who live a couple of hours away. On her most recent visit, her parents pulled an unbelievably mean prank on her that caused her to storm out of the house.

At home, she has a cat named Lucky, who she rescued from living a feral life out in the woods behind her house. She became very attached to the kitten, and she continued to love to spend time with Lucky on her visits home.

“One of the hardest things I had to do was to leave him while I went off to college, but I knew it was best for him as he had already adjusted to my house and the other animals inside my house,” she explained.

On her most recent visit home, she immediately began looking for her beloved cat. Usually, he would run right up to her when he heard her come through the door, but she didn’t see him anywhere.

Thinking this was pretty unusual, she began looking around for him in all of his favorite resting and hiding spots.

Without any luck in finding him, she approached her parents to see if they might know where he would be. Immediately, she noticed that her parents looked guilty and upset. Quickly, she asked what was the matter, and their response made her heart drop.

Her parents told her that Lucky had died earlier in the week, and after she asked why they didn’t call her, they said it would have been too hard of a conversation to have over the phone. Still, she was understandably frustrated and began losing her temper.

“Instantly, I was upset, and I ended up bawling while yelling at them. I was seriously so upset, especially because they know I would have dropped anything I was doing to drive home and see him in his last few days,” she said.

After she calmed herself down some, she then asked what had happened. Her parents explained that Lucky had died from old age and that they didn’t get an autopsy done. This answer was odd and really puzzled her because he was only 6 and didn’t have any other underlying health conditions. Many healthy cats can live up to 17-20 years old, sometimes longer!

pololia – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual cat

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