Did You Have A Beauty Blunder? Here’s How To Outsmart Foundation Stains And Save Your Outfit

Picture this: You’re getting ready for a big night out, and everything’s going perfectly. Your makeup looks great, your outfit is on point, and you’re nearly ready to head out the door.
But then, the unthinkable happens. You glance down, and there it is– an obvious foundation stain on your favorite blouse!
You mentally retrace your steps and realize that you might have been a bit too careless when throwing on your outfit or yielding your beauty blender.
Either way, we’ve all felt this sheer annoyance. It can be so frustrating getting makeup on a nice outfit, especially if you’re in a rush or simply spent so much time coordinating your wardrobe.
However, in these situations, you don’t panic (or worse, change your clothes). Contrary to popular belief, this isn’t a total fashion emergency that can’t be fixed.
Instead, with some patience and just a few household items, that stubborn stain will be gone in no time.
How To Get Foundation Out Of Clothing
As soon as you notice the stain, time is of the essence. So, you’ll have to act fast. But try to keep calm and remain collected so you don’t make the stain any worse.
Your first step will be to identify the kind of foundation that created the stain because different foundations– oil-based versus water-based, for instance– will require different treatments.

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Then, grab a clean, white cloth or paper towel and begin to gently dab the stain. Do not– I repeat, do not– rub! This will only cause the stain to spread, so be gentle and patient.
Afterward, you can start to apply a pre-treatment. If the stain is from a water-based foundation, just a little dish soap and cold water will do the trick. For an oil-based foundation, you can try using shaving cream or a pre-treatment stain remover.
Once you figure out which pre-treatment to use, just gently rub it onto the stain with either your finger or a soft-bristled toothbrush.
Finally, once you’ve treated the stain, all that’s left to do is throw your garment in the wash once you’re ready. Of course, different pieces might have specific washing instructions– so be sure to check the label.
When it comes time to dry, it’s also best to avoid putting any clothing in the drying until you’re certain that the stain is gone. After all, heat can actually set the blemish in place.
Instead, allow your garment to air dry and inspect it carefully. Then, if you realize that the stain is still there, you can repeat the pre-treatment step and throw it in the wash again.
If all else fails, there’s also never any shame in reaching out to a professional cleaner. Remember, they have the tools and know-how to help make a foundation stain a thing of the past (and salvage your beloved outfit).
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