His Girlfriend Keeps Accusing Him Of Not Doing Enough Chores Around The House But Refuses To Give Any Of Her Responsibilities To Him

This guy currently lives with his girlfriend and always thought they split up the household chores pretty evenly.
Yet, just yesterday, his girlfriend approached him and claimed to think that he needed to take on more responsibility around the house.
He wasn’t opposed to hearing her out, either, and they both went down the list– stating what chores they were currently doing.
Apparently, he completes about 90% of the cooking, does the laundry 60% of the time, and completes all of the vacuumings. He also mops the bathroom and kitchen floors and cleans the office.
His girlfriend, on the other hand, takes care of the dusting, cleaning the bathroom, and doing their laundry about 40% of the time. She also cleans their bedroom and the living room.
“And we alternate days in which we do the dishes and wipe down surfaces after cooking,” he added.
So, while his girlfriend admitted to feeling like she did more than him, he pointed out how their chore split felt pretty equal to him.
Still, he was willing to take on more to make her happy. First, he offered to clean the living room if his girlfriend wanted, but she said no since the living room wasn’t a ton of work anyway.
Afterward, he suggested that he take over the dusting. But again, his girlfriend turned him down because, apparently, she actually enjoys dusting.

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Finally, he offered to do more cleaning in the bathroom. Yet, even that suggestion was turned down– with his girlfriend claiming that she didn’t mind cleaning the bathroom, either.
“So I asked what exactly she wants me to do then because I’m offering to take on more, but she’s refusing every turn,” he recalled.
He also took the opportunity to point out the one chore he refused to take on– doing the dishes. After all, he already completes most of the cooking at home, and he knows they both despise doing the dishes.
Regardless, his girlfriend kept reiterating how it was “annoying” that she seemed to be doing more but wouldn’t really elaborate. He tried pushing her, too, and asking what more she thought he could be doing around the house.
However, his girlfriend just did not have an answer for him.
“So I told her that until she actually has an answer for that, then there’s nothing that’s going to change with the chores since I’ve offered to help, and she’s said no every time,” he vented.
Still, with his girlfriend accusing him of being unfair, he’s been left wondering whether “not doing enough” really makes him a jerk.
Do you think it’s fair for his girlfriend to accuse him of not doing enough while continuously turning down all of his suggestions? Why do you think she refuses to give him any direction on how he could help out more? Would you have handled this situation the same way or differently?
You can read the original post on Reddit here.
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