His Wife Wants Her Best Friend In The Delivery Room When She Gives Birth Instead of Him, And They Started Arguing So Badly Over This That Now He’s Sleeping On The Couch

ID 155842568 - © Studio113 (null) - Dreamstime.com -  illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
ID 155842568 - © Studio113 (null) - Dreamstime.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

It’s common for women to want another woman in the delivery room with them when they have a baby, whether it be their mom, best friend, sister, etc. 

However, you’d think the mom-to-be would also want their spouse in the room with them when they have their baby, right?

That’s not the case for one man whose wife wants her best friend in the delivery room while she gives birth instead of him.

He’s 27-years-old, and his wife is 25. She’s currently in her third trimester of pregnancy and recently hurt him when she revealed that she’d rather have her best friend in the delivery room than him. 

Unfortunately, this is not the first time he’s been cast aside and replaced with her best friend. His wife’s friend has been more involved in the pregnancy than he has.

When his wife got pregnant, her friend came to live with them to help her out, and she hasn’t been paying rent, per his wife’s wishes.

Since then, his wife’s friend has been accompanying her to all baby-related events, from shopping for clothes to finding out the baby’s gender.

Anytime he questions his wife’s preference for her friend over him, he says everything they’ve been doing to prepare for the baby is “more of a job for women” and that he wouldn’t like it.

“I just feel really suffocated by my wife’s best friend’s presence at this point, but whenever I try to bring it up with my wife, she complains that I’m acting toxic by wanting to make her cut her best friend from he life,” he explained.

ID 155842568 – © Studio113 (null) – Dreamstime.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

“That’s not what I want at all. I just don’t want to be made to feel like I’m third-wheeling them all the time.”

His wife assured him that her best friend would only be living with them temporarily, but now he’s not so sure if that’s true. The other day, he decided to talk to his wife and tell her how he felt about her friend being so involved in her pregnancy.

“I told my wife that it’s unfair that she keeps choosing her best friend over me for all of the things related to our baby,” he recalled.

“[It] ended up with another argument between us where once again, she had her best friend backing her up by saying that I’m acting overly possessive of my wife and she’s allowed to make her own decisions on [who] she wants to accompany her while she’s giving birth.”

The argument got so bad that he ended up having to sleep on the couch that night. Now, he’s considering letting his wife do whatever she wants and having her friend in the delivery room just to keep the peace. 

Should he give up or insist that he’s in the room for the birth of his child?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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