
She Kicked Her Daughter Out Because She’s Been Looking For A Job For Months Without Any Success

pikselstock - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This mother thought she was doing what was best for her 24-year-old daughter Amy, but now Amy is ignoring her calls, so she is wondering if she handled this situation in the wrong way.

Amy graduated from college a couple of years ago and has since had several part-time jobs. She would work for a couple of months, then quit her job in hopes of finding one with higher pay.

Toward the end of last year, Amy asked if she could move in with her parents, who are both in their 40s so that she could save up her money while looking for a job in the field that she studied in school.

“That sounded good, so we agreed. We did not expect any kind of rent or money from her at the time, simply that she would find a good job,” she explained.

Fast forward to the following summer, Amy still had not found a job. She was worried about the legitimacy of her daughter’s job search, so she tried to ask her how it was going.

Amy claimed that she was still searching and that while she had a few interviews, she hadn’t received any offers yet. She doesn’t understand how this could be the case, though, and is starting to think that maybe her daughter was lying to her just so that she could continue living in her house.

“Her field is one that is looking for more women to join the workforce. She has been living here for months to essentially do nothing,” she said.

So, she and her husband came to the agreement that Amy should move out of their house and into a relative’s house for the time being.

Her husband’s sister actually works in the field that Amy is interested in, so they thought it would be a good idea for her to get recommendations and advice from her aunt. However, when they told Amy about their decision, she was super upset and offered to contribute to some of the bills.

pikselstock – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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