She’s Been Dating A Guy For A Few Weeks And He Finally Got To Meet Her Friends, But It Went Terribly

ID 115700826 - © Sylvain Robin - -  illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
ID 115700826 - © Sylvain Robin - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This girl is in her mid-20s, and over the past 2 weeks, she has been dating a guy in his early 30s named Richard, but they haven’t made things exactly official yet.

Richard is ecstatic about spending time with her, and he constantly texts her too. He also will buy her presents and drop them off at her office.

She did have to say to Richard that she wants to take things slow and that she doesn’t even text her closest friends with the kind of frequency he texts her.

But she thinks they have excellent chemistry, so it didn’t bother her that she has had to kind of create some boundaries with Richard so far.

Not that long ago, she was at a little party one evening to celebrate one of her friends moving away.

While she was at the party, she was texting Richard and sending him photos of the food and also her friends.

When he got off work later that night, he said he would really love to come by and have the chance to meet her friends.

She kind of brushed Richard off and said maybe another time, as she has only been dating him for 2 weeks, and this party was supposed to be all about her friend who is moving away.

Then, her friend Paul said that she should just allow Richard to come by, so she agreed.

ID 115700826 – © Sylvain Robin – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

“Well, honestly, it didn’t go great. It was painfully awkward,” she explained. “He asked via text if he should introduce himself as my boyfriend or play it cool, I said just be yourself and don’t overthink it.”

Within 2 minutes of Richard being at the party and meeting her friends, he jumped right into talking about politics, which everyone knows is majorly off-limits when being introduced to anyone new.

This really rubbed her the wrong way, and then Richard began speaking to Paul in Spanish. The thing is, Paul is completely Italian, not Spanish, and he speaks only English.

“Like Paul says something about his grandmother, and Richard knowingly chimes in with “ah, abuela,” and I am just checking out mentally at this point,” she said.

“Everything Paul says, Richard would add in a Spanish word for flair in his response. My other friends just kind of ignored him or played up how tired they were.”

“I gently was like, “Why are you speaking Spanish to him? He’s Italian,” on the off chance that it was a fluke and he didn’t know where he was from, but he came back with, “Oh no, tons of Italians speak Spanish too. He understands me.”

The night quickly ended after that, but she was so humiliated by Richard’s behavior in front of her friends.

The following morning, she and Richard went out to have breakfast together, but everything didn’t feel right.

Things were cumbersome between them, and she tried to say she had just had too many drinks the night before, even though that was a lie.

She’s left feeling worried and unsure if she really would like to pursue Richard after what went down at the party.

“I told my other friend about this, and she thinks I’m too harsh on him,” she continued. “I understand everyone has cringe moments, I certainly do, and I’m trying to recover my attraction to him because he has been really sweet, but what happened the other night combined with the fact it’s been only two weeks makes me really worried.”

Do you think Richard’s behavior at the party should make her end things?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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