
She Arrived For A First Date With A Guy Dressed To The Nines, But He Only Had Sweatpants And A Sweatshirt On

Vazgen Waka - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

TikToker Makenna (@makennaklynn) is describing the worst first date of her life. At the time, she was a newly single 19-year-old in college and was ready to start dating.

She had just met a guy on a dating app. He was tall, dark, and handsome, had his own place, and a college degree. Makenna also loved that he was a few years older than her.

He seemed mature, and like he had his life together, so she thought that things had the potential to get serious between them. However, they did not get past the first date.

So, since he lived in the city and Makenna was driving in, they decided that she would stop by his place for drinks before going out to dinner.

“I should not have agreed to meet at his house. We should’ve just met straight at the restaurant, but he seemed so eloquent and so well-equipped to like actually be mature enough to just meet and then go, so I was willing to entertain it. Hindsight’s always 20/20,” said Makenna.

She arrived at his place dressed to the nines, with a full face of makeup and hair all done up. But when he walked downstairs to greet her, he wore matching sweatpants and a sweatshirt printed with the video game character Donkey Kong.

“Now, I am not a judgmental person, but to say that I was disappointed would be an understatement because this was our first date, and my first impression was that he put no effort in,” said Makenna.

Then, they went upstairs to chat and have a couple of drinks. She asked him where they were going for dinner, but he suggested that they stay in and watch movies instead. He explained that he had drunk too much tequila the previous night and even threw up during the car ride home, so he was super hungover.

Makenna had already gotten the ick from the outfit he was wearing, but when he asked her if they could stay in, she grew even more disgusted because she had wanted to be with a mature guy and to be taken out on a real date. So far, nothing was going as planned.

Vazgen Waka – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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