
She Told Her Cousin That She Cannot Afford To Be Picky After Her Cousin Refused To Accept Secondhand Baby Clothes And Has No Other Financial Support

shunevich - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Have you ever been in a situation where you had to give a spoiled friend or relative a reality check?

One woman recently had to give her cousin a harsh taste of reality after she wouldn’t accept secondhand baby clothes for her new baby, even though she has no financial support.

She’s 24 and has always been close with her 23-year-old cousin. Being the only two female cousins in their family, they always had a special bond, even though they were raised very differently. 

Her cousin was very spoiled growing up, and her entitled attitude followed her all the way into her adult years.

However, her cousin is about to go through a major life change that her parents will not financially support her through.

Her cousin recently told her she and her boyfriend are expecting a baby in October. She said her parents are letting her, her boyfriend, and the baby live in their house but will not be financially supporting her and expect her and her boyfriend to get jobs to pay for the baby’s needs.

“My cousin has been unable to find a job supposedly due to her state, and the father is also still unemployed, so she asked me to help her,” she recalled.

“While browsing through some trade [and] selling groups on Facebook, I was able to find her some secondhand clothes, free baby diapers, and an old crib that a woman was giving away. When I told her about my findings, she called me, horrified, and said that her baby would not be wearing old, stinky clothes from someone else’s trash.”

She felt really annoyed by her cousin’s reaction, especially after all the hard work she’d done to find essentials for her. She felt her cousin needed a reality check, so she asked her, “Do you know what choice you have?”

shunevich – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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