
Halloween Is Known For Being The Spookiest Holiday Of The Year, But It Used To Be More Romantic

After dark, they would head over to the kale fields and pull stalks from the ground while blindfolded. Each person must pull the first stalk they come into contact with. The size and shape of the stalk represented your future spouse’s height and figure, while the amount of dirt still clinging to the roots determined how wealthy they would be.

Dumb Cakes And Dumb Suppers

Dumb cakes and dumb suppers were another way to see who you would eventually marry. However, they weren’t exactly fun party games. Instead, they were more like spooky summonings, which is in line with how we see Halloween nowadays.

The cake or supper was meant to be made in complete silence. Girls would bake simple cakes consisting of flour, water, and salt. Each girl would engrave the cake with her initials and place it in the oven, all without uttering a single word.

Afterward, they put pieces of cake underneath their pillows, where they would then dream of their future husbands. A dumb supper pretty much follows the same process, but it’ll actually cause the dream boy to show up in the flesh.


Play this game at your own risk, for it has the potential to inflict physical harm. It involves pouring brandy into a shallow bowl filled with nuts and raisins and setting them on fire. Then, you must reach into the flames to grab the fruit.

Snapdragon was usually played around Christmastime, but it was popular during Halloween, too. If you managed to pull a piece of candied ginger from the fire, that signified your future spouse would be wealthy.

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