
She Doesn’t Trust Her Husband’s Therapist Because His Mental Health Has Only Gotten Worse, And The Therapist Keeps Doing Sessions With Him Out of The Office While Saying It’s “Only Unethical If They Get Caught”

Nejron Photo - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

For her entire life, this woman has suffered from anxiety and depression.

In order to cope with her mental health struggles, she has gone to therapy for the majority of her life, with some occasional breaks from therapy in between.

She is a huge advocate of therapy and its benefits since it’s been such a wonderful tool for her.

Three years ago, she tried to get her husband to go to therapy, too. He experimented with online therapy and saw a couple of different therapists in person before he found a therapist who seemed like a good fit.

For the last two years, her husband has been seeing the same therapist.

Not long after her husband found this therapist, she started to feel uneasy about his therapist.

“I work hard not to be judgmental of his journey or how he does the work on his mental health. But I would get frustrated when my husband would say that all they talked about again in session was golf/airplanes/gaming,” she said.

Even though this concerned her, she tried to acknowledge that it can take a while for people to build trust and rapport with their therapist before tackling difficult topics that brought them to therapy in the first place. So, despite having some worries in the back of her head, she didn’t voice anything to her husband.

With her own therapist, she has discussed how she’s doing her best not to form any negative opinions about her husband’s therapist or how he works on his mental health. However, as she and her husband have had struggles together in their marriage, it’s irritated her that while she is getting the most out of her therapy sessions by taking a hard look at what she needs to work through, her husband is in therapy discussing flyer miles with his therapist.

Nejron Photo – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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