
She’s Divorcing Her Husband Over The Gifts That He’s Been Buying For Her

deniskomarov - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This woman met her husband five years ago, and three years ago, they decided to get married. She says that she still is very much so in love with her husband, but she’s planning on divorcing him.

Approximately a year ago, she and her husband hit a tough spot in their marriage and began counseling to help fix things between them.

Their counselor informed them that they needed to start expressing their love to one another in specific ways, and he gave them ideas like giving gifts or going out on dates.

She and her husband took their counselor’s advice and started incorporating both of these things into their marriage.

“At first, the gifts were good,” she explained. “He’d spoil with with fancy jewelry and expensive makeup that he knew I liked.”

“Our relationship was getting better, and we were basically all over each other. Then, one day, he bought me a necklace with his initials on it for me.”

“At the time, I thought it was gorgeous and thoughtful, and I never took it off. He told me that if I didn’t wear it, I didn’t appreciate him since it cost a lot and had his initial on it.”

Several weeks after that, he gifted her a backscratcher. In the evenings, she would use it to scratch her husband’s back since he found it comforting.

She didn’t ever exactly enjoy scratching her husband’s back, as her arm would get tired, and her nail polish would chip off, too.

deniskomarov – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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