
He Asked His Parents If He Could Move Back In With Them So He Could Save Up To Buy A House, But Then They Said They Expected Him To Pay Them Rent

fizkes - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 24-year-old man in the UK is working at a pretty well-paying job to have at his age and is saving up so that he and his long-term girlfriend can get a house together.

He’s always been the type of person to go above and beyond when it comes to school and work and considers himself a high achiever.

He says that this personality trait is a result of his parents consistently pushing him to do better when he was a child and always signing him up for numerous extracurricular activities.

In 2021, he graduated from college and moved back in with his parents, but the living situation because a bit unforgettable for him.

“Immediately, things felt tense as they were straight away hounding me to get a job, and every day came a new lecture about how it was good to find my independence and move out,” he explained.

To get out of this environment, he quickly took a teaching job that was far away from his parents, and since then, he has been living independently from them for 2 years.

Within these two years, his father’s company has financially struggled, and his brother, unlike himself, started attending private school. His mother has also developed a debilitating medical disability.

Recently, he asked if he could move back in with his parents temporarily so that he could save enough money to pay for the home deposit he has been wanting.

His parents agreed to it and told him that he wouldn’t need to worry about paying them any rent while he stayed.

fizkes – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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