
He Gifted His Son A High-End Sports Car To Celebrate His Son Earning A Ph.D., But His Son’s Husband Accused Him Of Being Insensitive And Flaunting His Wealth

Brandon Woyshnis - illustrative purposes only

This 58-year-old man has a son named Jake, who is 34. And Jake recently just earned a Ph.D. in the arts.

So, to celebrate his son’s major achievement, he wanted to get Jake a very meaningful gift.

For context, he has always been very financially fortunate.

“And on past milestones like birthdays, I have spoiled Jake with lavish presents– like a car, a designer watch, a luxury vacation, among other things,” he recalled.

His son’s husband, though, is a 30-year-old man named Luke. And Luke reportedly comes from a middle-class family who is not as wealthy.

That’s why his son-in-law’s family lives a much more modest lifestyle, and when he brought up the idea of potentially gifting Jake a high-end sports car to celebrate the Ph.D., his son-in-law was visibly uncomfortable.

According to him, Luke brought up the wealth difference between their two families and was concerned about him gifting Jake something so expensive.

“Luke felt it would flaunt our differences and create tension,” he explained.

Regardless, he wanted to get the sports car for his son Jake. So, he did it anyway. After all, he realized that, at the end of the day, it was his money, and he could spend it however he saw fit.

Brandon Woyshnis – illustrative purposes only

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