
She’s Refusing To Watch Her Nephew Every Day After School Even Though He’s Having Issues At His After-School Program Because She Doesn’t Want To Go Into Work Earlier

sepy - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This woman’s sister has a son, who is 8-years-old. And once he finishes school every day, he attends a free after-school program since her sister is still working.

But unfortunately, her nephew has not been getting along with some of the other kids in the program.

“Apparently, there have been a few instances where he got a little riled up, and the other kids have been reluctant to forgive and include him,” she explained.

“So, he doesn’t want to go back anymore.”

She also has a job that is very flexible in terms of hours, and she is allowed to choose what time she goes into the office. Her sister knows about the flexibility, too, because in the past, she had offered to help out with her nephew’s childcare if an emergency ever arose.

That’s why, given the recent after-school program drama, her sister asked if she could start going to work earlier every day. That way, she could just pick up and watch her nephew after school instead of sending him to the program.

However, she really isn’t on board with that idea– primarily because she doesn’t want to have to head to work so early.

“I’m really not a morning person, and I usually sleep in later than I would have to get there by,” she said.

Not to mention, she also enjoys starting off her day by either going to a morning yoga class or taking a run by the beach. She thinks these activities are a pleasant way to kick off her day, and it really helps improve her mental health.

sepy – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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