
She Refused To Let Her Friend’s Kids Attend Her Halloween Party Because She Didn’t Want Teens Mixed In With The Rest Of The Adults

pressmaster - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

For Halloween this year, this 34-year-old woman and her boyfriend, also 34, are planning to host a party.

Her boyfriend owns a business, so they planned to have the party in his business’ parking lot.

They’re going to have a ten set up, as well as a dance floor.

She and her boyfriend both live with their parents. She currently lives one hour from the county that her boyfriend lives in.

They decided to host the party at her boyfriend’s business because she is originally from the county he’s living in, and that is where most of her friend group still lives. Plus, most of her friends wouldn’t be willing to make the trip to her house for the party since it’s an hour away from them.

The guests will mostly include just her friends because the majority of her boyfriend’s friends have either moved away or, tragically, passed away.

For the party, she and her boyfriend hired a bartender to serve drinks to the guests, and they have a ton of fun Halloween-themed games that they purchased.

In total, there will be about 20 to 30 guests that will be attending. One of her friends is flying from another state so that she can come, and another is driving for 12 hours.

Her friend, 39, lives in a different state with her two sons, who are 18 and 16.

pressmaster – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

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