
She Says That Women Are Held Back In Their Careers When They Have Children

Dragana Gordic - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This woman says that before it even dawned on her that she could remain child-free in her life, it made her sick to think about having to give up her career to be a mom and be as involved as possible in the life of her future child.

But now that she knows it’s possible for her to live a life without children, it’s made her think a lot about how children impact the careers of their moms.

She knows that things really have progressed for women since the 1950s, but women are largely expected to still pick up the incredible task of being the ones to rear their children.

The majority of stay-at-home parents are women, moms, and so if women spend more time caring for their children, they spend less time at their jobs.

She thinks that means that if a woman is spending more time at home than in the office, she will be viewed as not as dedicated, passionate, or proficient in her line of work as her childless peers.

“Hence, they get passed over for promotions and career opportunities,” she explained.

“There was even research that showed that the wage differences between men and women peaked during the stereotypical childbearing and childraising years (so 20s to 30s) but decreased dramatically around the time the kids are grown and out of the house (late 40s, 50s).”

“Makes you wonder how many brilliant women we missed out in history because they were chained to motherhood…”

So, she truly believes that women are held back in their careers when they choose to have children, and she thinks nobody decides to address or discuss this enough in the world.

Dragana Gordic – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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