
She Wore A Black Pantsuit With A White Blouse To Her Brother’s Wedding, But Even The Hint Of White Was Enough To Make The Bride Furious And A Bridesmaid Actually Dumped Red Wine On Her

Andrey Kiselev - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

One of the biggest rules when it comes to dressing up for a wedding is not to wear white, as people often see that as you trying to upstage or take attention away from the bride.

One woman wore a black pantsuit to her brother’s wedding with a white blouse underneath, but the hint of white was enough to set the bride off.

She and her brother don’t have the strongest relationship as they live in two different countries. Recently, she flew in to see him for his wedding day. While she didn’t know her future sister-in-law very well, there was no bad blood, and she figured she would have a good time at the wedding.

The wedding invitations came with instructions not to wear indigo or white dresses or red velvet suits, as those were the colors being worn by the wedding party. The only other request was to dress in “fancy” attire.

Since she’s not a fan of dresses, she likes to wear pantsuits for special occasions.

“For my own wedding, I wore a very nice white pantsuit,” she explained.

“For this occasion, I chose a normal black suit, vest, and suit jacket [with a ] white blouse, black heels, slick hair, [and] some toned down makeup. No tie, but a nice necklace. I looked good but in no way bridal or upstage-y. And to be honest, most men had the same outfit on.”

She felt very confident in her outfit for her brother’s wedding and thought she was not breaking any rules. After the ceremony, things were going well until the food was served at the reception.

She noticed the bridesmaids acting sketchy around her, as they’d purposefully try and bump into her throughout the venue. 

Andrey Kiselev – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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