
He’s Upset That His Fiancée Didn’t Invite His Mom To Go Wedding Dress Shopping, But His Fiancée Doesn’t See The Big Deal About Her Being Excluded

Photo 171687603 © Roman Chazov - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Not long ago, this man proposed to his now-fiancée. After the two of them got engaged, they began wedding planning. Their goal is to have a fairly small, simplistic wedding.

“I was dismayed that when my fiancée made her appointment at the dress store, she did not invite my mom. She has invited her mom, her nan, her grandma, and her best mate,” he said.

His wish was for his mother to be included in his fiancée’s wedding dress shopping.

He brought this up with his fiancée, and she said that it’s common for most brides to only invite people whom they’re close with, and that’s what she wants to do for her dress appointment.

His mother was so thrilled to help him and his fiancée plan their wedding, but his fiancée hasn’t allowed his mother to be included in anything so far, despite his mother reaching out in an attempt to lend a hand.

“My mom is disappointed, and I hate seeing that. She raised my brother and I alone after our dad left us,” he explained.

This would be the only opportunity for his mother to participate in a daughter-in-law’s wedding planning because his brother married his husband in November of 2015, as soon as gay marriage was legal.

Because of this, his brother had a nontraditional wedding ceremony and didn’t have any guests. They got married pretty quickly, so their mother didn’t have the chance to help him plan a formal wedding.

His upcoming wedding is his mother’s last chance to help one of her children with the planning process.

Photo 171687603 © Roman Chazov – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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