
His Wife Suddenly Started Wearing Her Late Husband’s Wedding Ring Alongside Her Current Ring, And It’s Making Him Feel Very Disrespected

Photo 54276133 © Gaudilab - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Before this 35-year-old man and his wife, who is 32, tied the knot, she was previously married.

However, his wife’s late husband passed away in a tragic car accident about two years before they met, and she was left a widow.

“I’ve always respected her grief,” he said.

Then, he eventually began dating his wife, and they got married about three years ago. Since then, they have also had a son together– who is now 1-year-old.

But, just one week ago, he noticed something strange. All of a sudden, his wife had begun wearing her late husband’s wedding ring alongside her wedding ring on the same finger.

Now, that took him by surprise, and he pointed it out to his wife. But she assured him that wearing the ring was just a way to honor her late husband. She also claimed that the ring didn’t mean she loved him any less.

Still, he admitted that the whole thing has left him feeling pretty unsettled.

“I understand she still misses him, but I feel it is disrespectful to our relationship,” he explained.

To be clear, he doesn’t want his wife to just forget about her first husband. At the same time, though, he also doesn’t want her to be “living in the past.”

Photo 54276133 © Gaudilab – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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