
Her Boyfriend Told Her She Could Be A 10 If She Lost Weight

Dash - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Five months ago, this 23-year-old girl started dating her 24-year-old boyfriend, and everything has been going great.

Unfortunately, that all changed not that long ago after her boyfriend began making negative and nasty remarks about her weight.

She says she’s curvy and is 5’4″ and 190 pounds. Her boyfriend has an athletic build and is 5’5″ and 130 pounds.

She admits that her boyfriend is the smallest guy that she has ever dated in regards to his weight and height, but she has never commented in a mean way about his body.

“I genuinely am attracted to all of him, and deep down, he is insecure about himself being on the smaller side,” she explained.

“Multiple times a day, he’s been saying how he would find me more attractive if I lost weight. He said that my being my size makes him “uncomfortable.” Note that I haven’t changed weight/size since I met him.”

“I was shocked and hurt by his statement to the point I cried so hard that I threw up. He always reminds me during the times of the day I’m doing nothing, I should be doing something to work on my body.”

Her boyfriend also rated her appearance at a 7 out of 10 before mentioning if she did lose weight, she could be a solid 10.

Never in her life has she felt self-conscious about how much she weighs, but her boyfriend ruined all of that.

Dash – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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