
She Recently Inherited Her Childhood Home After Her Parents Passed, And Her Brother Wants To Host His Book Club At The House, But She Won’t Let Him Use The Space

Seventyfour - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

After this 29-year-old woman’s parents sadly passed away, she recently inherited their family home. Apparently, the house is quite large, and she’s been maintaining the property all by herself.

Her brother, on the other hand, currently lives in a tiny apartment. He is also a lover of reading, which is why he’s part of a book club.

But, the place where his book club typically gathered only recently shut down. That’s why he decided to ask if he and his book club could use her home for their monthly meetings. Now, she claimed that she normally would have been okay with that.

“But I’ve turned our home into a personal retreat and work-from-home space, and I really value my privacy and quiet,” she said.

So, she wound up offering to help her brother find a different venue for the book club meetings. However, he won’t stop insisting that her new home is the perfect spot.

After all, it is very spacious and holds a ton of sentimental value to his book club as a whole– since they had previously met in the house when her parents hosted the club.

That’s why her brother is now really upset, accusing her of not considering just how much the book club means to him.

“And [he believes] that, as family, we should share such spaces,” she added.

Since she turned down her brother’s request, some of their family members have found out about it, too.

Seventyfour – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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