
A Girl Showed Up 45 Minutes Late To Their Date On Purpose, As She Was Testing Him

Andrey Kiselev - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Growing up, my mom always told me to be more than on time for anything because it’s the polite thing to do, and if you’re late, it’s plain rude.

In fact, she said it was a good idea to make sure you’re 10 minutes early to everything; lunch with your friends, doctor’s appointments, interviews, and even dates.

Now that I’m an adult, I can see what she was talking about, and I do think it’s rude to make plans with someone and then end up being late for no reason.

Sadly, this 30-year-old man asked a 29-year-old woman out on a date yesterday evening, and she showed up exceptionally late on purpose.

She showed up 45 minutes late to their date, and he surprisingly had not given up and gone home by then.

He admits that being on time isn’t something he largely prioritizes in his own life; he knows things can come up and punctuality isn’t the end all be all.

His date did mention to him that her mom called her at the last minute, so she would be late for that reason, and he was alright with her excuse.

“I had a drink and caught up on some messages because I’d had a busy day,” he explained. “The date went really well, and we talked about a 2nd, both agreed.”

“I joked will you be on time next time, and she said you know I did that deliberately. Then she explained she does it regularly to see if the guy is truly interested or will get up and leave.”

Andrey Kiselev – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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