
Her Boyfriend Wasn’t There For Her Throughout Her Pregnancy And Didn’t Even Show Up For Their Daughter’s Birth, So She Didn’t Put His Name On The Birth Certificate

Irina Schmidt - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual baby

This 20-year-old woman just gave birth to her baby, but her boyfriend, who is 22, was not there for her throughout the entire pregnancy.

Apparently, he never once went with her to any of her doctor’s appointments. And whenever she tried to express how she felt about having a child at such a young age, he never gave her a shoulder to lean on.

“It was fine,” she admitted, “I didn’t really complain or say anything. I didn’t feel that lonely because, thankfully, my family supports me.”

Yet, even when it came time for her to actually deliver her baby, her boyfriend couldn’t bother to show up.

After she went into labor, her mother had to deliver the news to her, too.

“I’m sorry to tell you, honey, but I called your boyfriend, and he said he can’t come and show up because he has to work tomorrow. He also sounded drunk,” her mom told her.

So, it was just her and her mom in the delivery room all night, and the following morning, her baby girl was born.

“And I just felt so relieved and happy,” she recalled.

At that point, it was also time for her to pick out her newborn’s name. So, she decided to fill out all of the paperwork and list herself as the only parent on her daughter’s birth certificate.

Irina Schmidt – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual baby

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