
Her Friend Sent Her Husband A Steamy Photo And Confessed To Being In Love With Him, So She Publicly Humiliated Her

mary_markevich - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 32-year-old woman and her husband, who is 34, have been married for eight years, and they currently have a 3-year-old son together. One of her friends from college, named Sarah, is also the godmother of her son.

According to her, Sarah had always been a very sweet and “simple” woman, and she adored being friends with Sarah. However, that all changed after her husband approached her yesterday and claimed that they needed to talk.

During the conversation, he revealed how he had always felt a bit unsettled around Sarah. He also claimed to have noticed how she would always try to subtly put her down while talking to her husband.

This led him to suspect that Sarah might have a crush on him. Then, yesterday, all of his suspicions were confirmed when Sarah actually sent him a pretty steamy picture.

“Confessing that she has liked him ever since the two of us got engaged,” she revealed.

“I was furious, and I asked him to block Sarah. He showed me that he already had.”

Afterward, she also decided to take a screenshot of her husband and Sarah’s conversation. Then, she took revenge by posting the conversation on social media with a warning message for all of Sarah’s friends and family to see.

“Cautioning them to be careful of the [woman] who preys after married men,” she said.

To be clear, she didn’t post the steamy photos. She actually blurred those out and shared the text conversation.

mary_markevich – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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