
Her Husband Admitted To Having An Affair With A Nursing Student

Inna - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Six years ago, this 28-year-old woman walked down the aisle with her 29-year-old husband, and she thought everything between them was completely fine.

But then, yesterday evening, her husband literally sat her down and told her something that destroyed her world.

Apparently, he had an affair with a female nursing student who is in the same class as him, and the affair went on for the whole last semester.

“We have an almost 2-year-old together that I’ve been the primary caretaker of since day 1, and the idea of this breaking up our family is crushing me,” she explained.

“We have been together since high school, through military moves, multiple miscarriages, a shooting that hit our house, and one last big move to get into what I thought was going to be our forever home.”

“The home where I would watch my son run around the yard with our chickens and goats. He has told me that he is unsure if things can work out, because how can we get past this, how can I get past this.”

The girl her husband had an affair with was with him several times. He even showed this girl photos of their son, and this girl completely knew that her husband was married and not single.

To make matters worse, this girl has a boyfriend and children of her own. As for why her husband stopped seeing this girl on the side, he maintains he ended everything since it was not going to lead anywhere.

She has no clue what that even means, let alone why her husband stepped out in the first place on her.

Inna – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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