
His Wife Cheated So They’re Currently Separated, But She Wants To Spend Her Birthday With Him

His wife is respecting his need for space right now, but she constantly tells him that she will not allow him to leave.

She also asks him to let her know if he needs a single thing. She also makes an effort to try to give him a hug or kiss or hold his hands when he does see her in person.

His wife will be celebrating her birthday at the start of February, and she has essentially said to him that she wants to spend it alongside him.

While he was shopping for his wife’s Christmas presents, he picked out a birthday gift for her too. He still is going to be giving her the present, but he’s not positive celebrating her birthday while they’re currently separated, and speaking on a limited basis is a good idea.

They have been celebrating birthdays with one another for more than a decade, with the exception of 2020 due to the pandemic.

What do you think he should do? Celebrate with her or tell her no?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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