
She’s Been Dating A Guy For Months And Recently Found Out He’s Cheating On His Girlfriend With Her, But She Won’t Leave Him

innarevyako - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

A couple of months ago, this 33-year-old woman met a 39-year-old guy through a dating app, and things were going great up until she recently found out that he has a girlfriend.

She discovered this guy’s girlfriend through social media, and she dug around more to find out that he has been with his girlfriend for three years.

She never figured this out before, as he never posts on social media, yet his girlfriend has shared tons of photos of the two of them.

“When I found out, it almost destroyed me because I’ve invested so much in this man, thinking everything was going well,” she explained.

“He’s been affectionate towards me and cares a lot about me. I know it’s horrible, but I can’t seem to let him go. I still reply to his texts and go on dates with him, but I feel anxious and empty all the time. My emotional health seems to depend on him, and I can’t control myself.”

“The fear of being abandoned by him is [so] strong that I even accept the fact that he’s a liar and cheater, and I continue to see him. Whenever he expresses affection, I would look into his eyes and think, “Why are you doing this to us? Why are you lying?”

She’s too worried to confront him about the cheating due to some of her own personal trauma from her childhood, which means she’s terrified of conflict.

She also wouldn’t know where to start with saying something to him, as he constantly tells her that he is single.

As for taking the path of going behind this guy’s back and telling his girlfriend about what he’s doing, she won’t do that.

innarevyako – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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