
A Guy Called Her Fat, And Then She Went On A Date With Him

And if you’re thinking this guy used her weight as a way to essentially say he’s not into her, that’s not the case.

She did end up messaging him after their first date that it was hurtful of him to refer to her as fat, though she appreciated him being honest with her.

“This was his reply…”I’m 36; I’m trying to take my next partner more seriously; that’s all, including a lot of things that I want. Don’t really want to waste everyone’s time if that makes sense,” she said.

Immediately after he sent that text to her, he asked her to go on a coffee date with him tomorrow, and she said no.

She’s wondering if she should change her mind and go on a second date with him though.

What do you think?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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